
Mel is back.

Hmm, gotta change that.It's been a year now & I miss having my own space aka my blog. Its not much but sometimes it's better to write down your memories and thoughts. I've been writing a lot lately and no one has been noticing it. I usually type a whole story on my blackberry and delete it 'cause I'm afraid people will read it.
I don't have nothing to hide, really. I just feel so misunderstood and different..
So lemme write about the last few months.
I didn't change a lot but then again I did. I've became more open and social. I was the girl who was afraid of making a facebook-account for no reason. I was the girl who didn't do anything with her passion for writing,acting and singing. Well, I now post stories online, got in the school acting-club and bought a guitar and started learning it all by myself. That didn't change. I stayed the independent Mel who's too stubborn to listen, the guy-ish Mel who bites her nails instead of giving it a nice manicure. The awkard Mel. I was always one of the guys. Sometimes I do wish I've had a best female friend but yeah, I'm glad with my ''team'', They mean the world to me. I play soccer with them, go to the library with them and I can talk with them about other guys. I mean, how cool is that?
I still believe in Karma. But Karma doesn't believe in me. When I started acting again I felt like a whole new person. I've become friends with lots of people from my school and other schools as well. I love that feeling when I'm on stage, doing my thing.
I get a lot of compliments but I stay humble. I'm still pretty shy. But when I'm on the stage, that shy Mel is gone.
Yesyesyes, I've had a few crushes lately. Well, (only) two. The first one was a mistake. A stupid mistake.
 I ALMOST fell in love with aguy who didnt like me, but he liked playing the ''how many girls can I get''game. He eventually went for the prettiest girl. The girl with the nice smile,great personality and beautiful hair. Byebye self-esteem.
But do you know the phrase ''You'll forget love when you'll find new love''? (or something like that)
It felt like a deed of Karma but on the Eenakterfestival (A festival with 9 schools who each have an act . The best play will win a trophy)  I've met a guy. A really nice one. Even when his school didn't play that day he still showed up to see the other plays. Just like me. I didn't talk to him a lot (Cause I'm a fuckin'pussy) and I regret but soon I'll type the details out when I'm not lazy.

In brief: A lot has happened and I'm glad they did happen. I still believe in fate so who knows what'll happen next. I gotta stay positive and gain more confidence. I hope things will work out for me. I love life even though it's a real bitch.

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