
Hello 2012 !

So it's almost 12pm here in The Netherlands and I'm having a blast :] ! I must say that 2011 was a good year. It was perfect but I've learned a lot and had lots of fun! I've met a lot of people who I'll be taking to 2012 as my friend. I've cried,laughed & acted my ass off this year.
Oh,I guess we all got some new resolutions in mind & here are mine;
Mel's gonna;

-Do what she loves
-Act & sing more
-Blog more
-Get a job xD
-Have better grades [They're not terrible but you can't call 'em straigh A's either]
 -Have fun & live life

And I wish you a brilliant,healthy, awesome and great newyear where ever you may be right now <3.
Gelukkig nieuwjaar !
Cheers to 2012!


http://www.kaartje2go.nl/nieuwjaarskaarten/patchy-rh-happy--2012 <- Link to this card.


Dear Diary..

Childish much? Nah. So, do you wanna write down your feelings and about how your day went? Why not type it =D ?
I've found some sites where you can have your own online diary. It's simple AND private. But you can also to share your diary with strangers and allow them to read it. Let it all out. Write down your dreams and complain about all the shit you don't wanna harrass your friends with. And you can always read your old entries back, just for the hell of it :3 Here, a few sites ;
Where do you write down all your secrets?


Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Yups, GFC is quitting so we'll just start all over again with followers =3 You know what to do ^^


I'll be okay, yes today.

I always listen to their stories. They don't. I'm trying my best to give them advice and hide my own pain...They don't notice. I'm always the one they run to when they're hurt or when they have no one to nag to. They talk about how bad their lives are, just because their boyfriends didn't call or because they didn't have enough sleep that day. I always fall for the ones who don't like me back. I sometimes lay awake all night just because I'm afraid. Afraid of who?
No one. I've learned myself to be afraid. Of nothing. To be aware of everything so pain will be avoided. I hate pain. Broken hearts. Liars.Bad hairdays.
I love listening to stories of others though. But I love being listened to as well.
But I'll be okay, yes today, yes today.  Here's a smileyface to confirm it (: !
Oh, and watch this <3. Whenever you're down,look up & smile. You'll be okay as well.