
Mottos and shizzle

''No regrets.'' (props to Mayaa)
''Don't let the system get you down.'' (Mattafix) 
  I needed some mottos that will keep me going.

Or you're:
- The ''hard-to-get'' girl. The girl who's playing ''the game'' as well.
- The 'Taylor Swift' So the girl who's actually freakin' gorgeous but no one ever noticed.
- The 'One-of-the-guys'girl. So the girl with more make than female friends but single.
- The 'Girly-girl' So your typical girl who matches hoodies with panties and a little skirt.

Or you're just a mix and that makes you an outcast-girl ;
 The most common yet special out there. 
I'll never understand guys,though.
I'm gonna drink some tea now. Cheerio.


I feel like partying!

LOL JK, I feel sick and miserable.
-Checks Hyves mail- Nothin' ugh -__-
Guess I'm gonna watch Dance Flick with my  buddd Maya (Via bbm), go on Girlscene, read some horscopes with some nice strawberry tea and enjoy my fridaynight. Yup, my lovely, non-partying, boyfriendless,lazy, yet close to perfect fridaynight.<3.


Thank you Hyves !

Okay, you know that feeling when you did something that seemed such a great idea YESTERDAY  but now you regret what you've did? I got that feeling now. I'm not the type who talks or texts first but this time I thought ''FUCK IT'' and looked on Hyves (A Dutch copy of FaceBook) and after searching for a quite a long time I've finally found him!
I practically used the situation to my advantage and sent him a mail which says that my school is organizing a talentshow (which is true) and that it would be fun if his school would participate too. My friend and I were talking about it last night and it just popped into my head that this would be the perfect opportunity to unite some schools and have a great time. But now I'm so fucking scared of how he'll react. I'm feeling this tension in my stomache as I'm typing this lol. I didn't check my mail yet and I'm not planning on doing it today xD. I contacted him because I really don't wanna lose contact with him. And it would be stupid if I'd mail him three months later. I've never did something like this before because I usually give up because I'm a pussy with this kind of things. But I don't want to look back over 3 months and think ''why the fuck didn't I do anything?'' I've had those moments a lot of times. So here goes nothing. We'll see..
I didn't tell anyone about this crush (except for Carina, this girl I adore <3 She usually understands me.) because I don't wanna bother them anymore with my silly crushes xD. And this isn't really a crush but let's say he's a real cutie and it would be such a waste if I'd never speak to him again ^^
 I got nothing to lose 


Somebody That I Used To Know

Finally found the song thanks to one of my best friends.
I fucking love this song and the clip as well.
Now and then I think of when we were together
Like when you said you felt so happy you could die
Told myself that you were right for me
But felt so lonely in your company
But that was love and it's an ache I still remember

You can get addicted to a certain kind of sadness
Like resignation to the end
Always the end
So when we found that we could not make sense
Well you said that we would still be friends
But I'll admit that I was glad that it was over

But you didn't have to cut me off
Make out like it never happened
And that we were nothing
And I don't even need your love
But you treat me like a stranger
And that feels so rough
You didn't have to stoop so low
Have your friends collect your records
And then change your number
I guess that I don't need that though
Now you're just somebody that I used to know
Now you're just somebody that I used to know
Now you're just somebody that I used to know....


Mel is back.

Hmm, gotta change that.It's been a year now & I miss having my own space aka my blog. Its not much but sometimes it's better to write down your memories and thoughts. I've been writing a lot lately and no one has been noticing it. I usually type a whole story on my blackberry and delete it 'cause I'm afraid people will read it.
I don't have nothing to hide, really. I just feel so misunderstood and different..
So lemme write about the last few months.
I didn't change a lot but then again I did. I've became more open and social. I was the girl who was afraid of making a facebook-account for no reason. I was the girl who didn't do anything with her passion for writing,acting and singing. Well, I now post stories online, got in the school acting-club and bought a guitar and started learning it all by myself. That didn't change. I stayed the independent Mel who's too stubborn to listen, the guy-ish Mel who bites her nails instead of giving it a nice manicure. The awkard Mel. I was always one of the guys. Sometimes I do wish I've had a best female friend but yeah, I'm glad with my ''team'', They mean the world to me. I play soccer with them, go to the library with them and I can talk with them about other guys. I mean, how cool is that?
I still believe in Karma. But Karma doesn't believe in me. When I started acting again I felt like a whole new person. I've become friends with lots of people from my school and other schools as well. I love that feeling when I'm on stage, doing my thing.
I get a lot of compliments but I stay humble. I'm still pretty shy. But when I'm on the stage, that shy Mel is gone.
Yesyesyes, I've had a few crushes lately. Well, (only) two. The first one was a mistake. A stupid mistake.
 I ALMOST fell in love with aguy who didnt like me, but he liked playing the ''how many girls can I get''game. He eventually went for the prettiest girl. The girl with the nice smile,great personality and beautiful hair. Byebye self-esteem.
But do you know the phrase ''You'll forget love when you'll find new love''? (or something like that)
It felt like a deed of Karma but on the Eenakterfestival (A festival with 9 schools who each have an act . The best play will win a trophy)  I've met a guy. A really nice one. Even when his school didn't play that day he still showed up to see the other plays. Just like me. I didn't talk to him a lot (Cause I'm a fuckin'pussy) and I regret but soon I'll type the details out when I'm not lazy.

In brief: A lot has happened and I'm glad they did happen. I still believe in fate so who knows what'll happen next. I gotta stay positive and gain more confidence. I hope things will work out for me. I love life even though it's a real bitch.