
Thank you Hyves !

Okay, you know that feeling when you did something that seemed such a great idea YESTERDAY  but now you regret what you've did? I got that feeling now. I'm not the type who talks or texts first but this time I thought ''FUCK IT'' and looked on Hyves (A Dutch copy of FaceBook) and after searching for a quite a long time I've finally found him!
I practically used the situation to my advantage and sent him a mail which says that my school is organizing a talentshow (which is true) and that it would be fun if his school would participate too. My friend and I were talking about it last night and it just popped into my head that this would be the perfect opportunity to unite some schools and have a great time. But now I'm so fucking scared of how he'll react. I'm feeling this tension in my stomache as I'm typing this lol. I didn't check my mail yet and I'm not planning on doing it today xD. I contacted him because I really don't wanna lose contact with him. And it would be stupid if I'd mail him three months later. I've never did something like this before because I usually give up because I'm a pussy with this kind of things. But I don't want to look back over 3 months and think ''why the fuck didn't I do anything?'' I've had those moments a lot of times. So here goes nothing. We'll see..
I didn't tell anyone about this crush (except for Carina, this girl I adore <3 She usually understands me.) because I don't wanna bother them anymore with my silly crushes xD. And this isn't really a crush but let's say he's a real cutie and it would be such a waste if I'd never speak to him again ^^
 I got nothing to lose 

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